Rabu, 02 Mei 2012

LEARNING PLAN (Electrolytes and Non-Electrolyte Solution)

(Electrolytes and Non-Electrolyte Solution)

SCHOOL                    : High School
Course / Subject          : Chemistry
CLASS / SMT            : X / 2
TIME                          : 2 x 45 minutes (1 x meeting)

A. Competency Standard
Understanding the properties of non-electrolyte solutions and electrolyte, and oxidation-reduction reaction.
B. Basic Competencies
Identify the nature of non-electrolyte solution and an electrolyte based on test results.

C. Indicators of Achievement of Competency
Cognitive (Product)
·         Identifying the properties of non-electrolyte and electrolyte solution through experiments
Cognitive (Process)
·         Distinguish of non-electrolyte and electrolyte solution through experiments
·         Giving attention to the discussion group
·         Reporting the results of group discussions of non-electrolyte and electrolyte solution through experiments
·         Answering the question about the properties of non-electrolyte and electrolyte solution through experiments

D. Learning Objectives
Knowledge : products
·         Students can identify the properties of non-electrolyte and electrolyte solution through experiments
Knowledge : the process
·         Students can categorize the the properties of non-electrolyte and electrolyte solution through experiments
·         Student can distinguish the properties of non-electrolyte and electrolyte solution through experiments
·         Students can pay attention to the discussion group
·         Student can answer the question about the properties of non-electrolyte and electrolyte solution through experiments
·         Student may report the results of group discussions on example of non-electrolyte and electrolyte solution

E. Teaching Materials
·         Solution of electrolytes and non electrolytes
In 1884, Svante Arrhenius, Swedish chemist famous of the theory of electrolytes to this theory continues to exist even though he almost did not given his doctorate at the University of Upsala, Sweden, as revealed this theory. According to Arrhenius, an electrolyte solution in water dissociates into electrically charged particles called positive and negative ions (positive ions and negative ions) Number of positive ion charge will be equal to the charge of negative ions, so that the charge of ions in neutral solution. Ions is in charge of electric current mengahantarkan. Solution that can conduct electric current is called an electrolyte solution.This solution gives light symptoms of the onset of light or gas bubbles in solution.

Electrolyte solution containing charged particles (cations and anions). Based on experiments conducted by Michael Faraday,note that if an electric current supplied to the electrolyte solution will be the process of electrolysis that produces gas. Gas bubbles are formed due to the positive ion having a negative ion reduction and oxidation. Example, in laruutan HCl reaction of electrolysis producing hydrogen gas as follows.

HCl (aq) → H + (aq) + Cl-(aq)
The reaction of reduction: 2H ​​+ (aq) + 2e-→ H2 (g)
oxidation reaction: 2Cl- (aq) → Cl2 (g) +
2e-electrolyte solution was divided into 2 types, namely a strong electrolyte and weak electrolyte solution.
Strong electrolytes in solution, all molecules are dissociated into ions (ionized perfect). Because many ions that can conduct electric current, then the strong hantarnya. the equation, ionization of electrolytes strongly marked by the arrows in one direction to the right.
NaCl (s) → Na + (aq) + Cl-(aq)
Examples of an electrolyte solution stronger:
Acid, eg sulfuric acid (H­2­SO­4), nitric acid (HNO­3), hydrochloric acid (HCl).
Basa, for example sodium hydroxide (NaOH), potassium hydroxide (KOH), barium hydroxide (Ba(OH)­2).
Salt, almost all the compounds except the mercury salt.

Solution is a weak electrolyte solution that can provide flame dimmed or does not light, but still there are gas bubbles on the electrode. This is because not all break down into ions (ionization is not perfect) so there is little in the solution of ions that can conduct electric current. In the equation, the ionization weak electrolyte is marked with arrows two directions (back and forth).
CH3COOH (aq) ↔ CH3COO-(aq) + H + (aq)
Examples of compounds which include a weak electrolyte:
CH­3­COOH, HCOOH, HF, H­2­CO­3, and NH­4­OH

Electrolyte solution can be derived from ion compounds (compounds that have ionic bonds) or polar covalent compounds (compounds having polar covalent bonds),while non-electrolyte solution is a solution that can not conduct electricity and will not cause gas bubbles. In the non-electrolyte solution, the molecules are not ionized in solution, so that no ions that can conduct electric current charge.

Example: solution of sugar, ure

F. Methods and models of learning
·         Methods                 : Experiments, Lecture varied (discussions, questions and answers)
·         Model Learning     : Cooperative Learning (Cooperative Learning)
·         Approach Learning: The Concept and Process Approach

G. Learning steps
Material  - The solution
-  Studying the nature - the nature of electrolyte and non electrolyte solution
Activities of Teacher
Allocation of time
Done / not
Initial / The introduction
Opening: The teacher creates a classroom atmosphere that is religious by appointing one of the students led the prayer, checking attendance, cleanliness and neatness of the laboratory as a form of environmental concern.

5 minutes

The teacher gives apresepsi conductor properties of an object, and students with a sense of responsibility to give examples of objects that can conduct electricity and do not conduct electricity

Teachers to motivate students in communicative and creative with a few questions relating to the electrical conductivity on a body.

Provision of Reference
Teachers submit material outlines the scope of practical guidance that will be done.

Core Activities
a Teachers divide students into small groups. Each group consisted of 4-5 students. Students talk about why a compound is soluble in water
b. Each - each group to experiment responsiblyand independently in accordance with the instructions provided
c. Each group was asked his opinion about the reasons why the compound is soluble in water independentlyand responsibly.

70 minutes

1.   Each group present the results discussion.  independently  and responsible
2.   Students work hard in doing experiments on the properties of non-electrolyte and electrolyte solution through trial

1.Teachers provide feedback and conclusions based on a group work communicativediscussions.
2.Teachers give reasons for the strengthening of a water-soluble substances in a responsible manner.
3. Teachers creatively provide important records about the subject matter that must be controlled by students.

a. The teacher gives feedback on the material that has been taught in a democratic manner.
b. Teachers plan a follow-up activities on their own in the form of remedial teaching, enrichment program, an intellectually counseling and / or gas tu assign either individually or in groups according to the study of students
c. Teachers foster curiosity of the student thatto likes reading by making the individual lab reports, and collected at the next meeting
15 minutes

I. Learning Outcomes Assesment
Assesment Indicators
Indicators of Achievement
Assesment Indicators
Forms of Indicators
Type / Technical Assesment
Cognitive (product)
Explain distinguish the properties of non-electrolyte and electrolyte solution through experiments
Cognitive (Process)
Conduct experiments on the factors of non-electrolyte and electrolyte solution
Non Test
·      Reports on the experimental reaction
·      Making a data from experiment about non-electrolyte and electrolyte solution

H. Learning Resources:

·         Books:
1.      1B Chemistry Book Grant The Publisher
2.      Chemistry Class X book Publisher Grasindo
·         Practical Guide to Know nature - the nature of electrolyte and non electrolyte solution (attached)
·         Internet
·         Media Home
·         Teacher

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