Senin, 06 Agustus 2012


(Mol Concept)

SCHOOL                    : Senior High School
Course / Subject          : Chemistry
CLASS / SMT                        : X / 2
TIME                          : 2 x 45 minutes (1 x meeting)

A. Competency Standard
Know the Concepts of mole.
B. Basic Competencies
Understanding the concepts of mole, determining the mass of sampel of atoms, Determining moles of atoms, Determining numbers of atoms, Determine the Number of Moles and Mass.

C. Indicators of Achievement of Competency
Ø  Cognitive (Product)
Ø  Explain what is mole
Ø  Determine the mass of sampel of atoms, moles of atoms, numbers of atoms, Number of Moles and Mass

Ø  Cognitive (Process)
Ø  Calculate the mass of sampel of atoms, moles of atoms, numbers of atoms, Number of Moles and Mass
Ø  Listening to the teacher about the mass of sampel of atoms, moles of atoms, numbers of atoms, Number of Moles and Mass
Ø  Witnessing  the power point about mole

Ø  Psychomotor
Ø  Giving attention to the discussion group

Ø  Affective
Ø  Reporting the results of group discussions about concepts of mole
Ø  Answering the question about the mass of sampel of atoms, moles of atoms, numbers of atoms, Number of Moles and Mass
Ø  Make a question about mole, the mass of sampel of atoms, moles of atoms, numbers of atoms, Number of Moles and Mass
Ø  Being a good listener

D. Learning Objectives
Knowledge : products
·         Students can explain the concepts of mole
·         Student can determine the mass of sampel of atoms, moles of atoms, numbers of atoms, Number of Moles and Mass
Knowledge : the process
·         After observing and listening to the teacher, students are able to explain the concepts of mole
·         After being given an explanation of the power point, students are able to explain the mass of sampel of atoms, moles of atoms, numbers of atoms, Number of Moles and Mass
·         Independently by the students pay attention to the teacher's explanations show power point without disturbing others
·         Student can answer the question about the concepts of mole

E. Teaching Materials
If we are reacting the carbon atom (C) with one molecule of oxygen (O2), it will form one molecule of CO2. But the fact that we are not one atom of Carbon reaksikan with one molecule of oxygen, but a large number of carbon atoms and a large number of oxygen molecules. Therefore, the number of atoms or number of molecules reacting yamg so great, then to state, the chemists use the "mole" as the unit number of particles (molecules, atoms, or ions).

One mole is defined as the amount of substance that contains as many atomic particles of matter contained in 12.000 grams of carbon atoms – 12. So in one mole of a substance contained 6.022 x 10 23 particles. Value of 6.022 x 10 23 particles / mol Avogadro constant is referred to as, the symbol of L or N. In everyday life, we can mole analogy as "dozen". If a dozen states the number of 12 pieces, then declare the amount of 6.022 mol x 10 23 particles of matter. Word particle in NaCl, H2O, N2 can be expressed by the ions and molecules, while the elements such as Zn, C, Al can be expressed by the atom.
Consider the following table. Table 06.6 The number of particles within some substance.
The chemical formula of a compound shows a comparison of the number of atoms present in the compound.
Table 06.7 Comparison of the atoms in H2SO4
1 mole of substance contains 6.022 x 10 23 particles
One water molecule (H2O) are 6.022 x 10 23 molecules of H2O.
How many atoms in one mole of water?
One water molecule (H2O) is composed of two H atoms and one O atom
So a water molecule is composed of three atoms.
1 mole of H2O contains 6.022 x 10 23 molecules or
3 x 6.022 x 10 23 atoms = 1.806 x 10 23 atoms

F. Methods and models of learning
·         Methods                 : Lecture varied (discussions, questions and answers)
·         Model Learning     : Cooperative Learning (Cooperative Learning)
·         Approach Learning: The Concept and Process Approach

G. Learning steps
Material  - The solution
-  Studying the nature - the nature of electrolyte and non electrolyte solution
Activities of Teacher
Allocation of time
Done / not
Initial / The introduction
Opening: The teacher creates a classroom atmosphere that is religious by appointing one of the students led the prayer, checking attendance.

5 minutes

The teacher gives apresepsi reminiscent of the fundamental laws of chemistry and its relative atomic mass (Ar) and the relative molecular mass (Mr) and students with a sense of responsibility to give examples of objects

Teachers to motivate students in communicative and creative with a few questions relating to the mol concept.

Provision of Reference
Teachers submit material outlines the scope of mol concept that will be done.

Core Activities
a Teachers divide students into small groups. Each group consisted of 4-5 students. Students talk about definition about mol
b. Each - each group to discuss and conclude discuss and conclude the sense mole as a unit amount of substance as well as the relationship between the number of moles of a substance by the number of particles contained in the substance responsibly and independently in accordance with the instructions provided
c. Students pay attention to teachers' presentations on the relationship between the mass in units of moles, and apply them in the calculation of chemical
c. Each group was asked his opinion about the reasons independently and responsibly.

70 minutes

1.   Each group present the results discussion.  independently  and responsible
2.   Students work hard in doing discussion about mol concept

1.Teachers provide feedback and conclusions based on a group work communicativediscussions.
2.Teachers give reasons for the strengthening of mol concepts in a responsible manner.
3. Teachers creatively provide important records about the subject matter that must be controlled by students.


1.    Teacher give assessment to each group which is presentating result of its discussion
2.    Teachers also give a personal assessment to any student who asks and respond to discussions of other groups
1. The teacher gives feedback on the material that has been taught in a democratic manner.
2. Teachers plan a follow-up activities on their own in the form of remedial teaching, enrichment program, an intellectually counseling and / or gas tu assign either individually or in groups according to the study of students
3. Teachers foster curiosity of the student thatto likes reading by making the individual lab reports, and collected at the next meeting
4. Students (teacher-led) summarizes the material concept of the mole.
5. The teacher explains the core concepts of the material concept of the mole that has been concluded as a reinforcement.
15 minutes

I. Learning Outcomes Assesment
a. cognitive
Assessment of cognitive tests of the ability to communicate science tests students in writing
A. if mass of all these compounds together, the greatest number of moles of the compound will be found ...
a. Glucose, C6H12O6 (Mr = 180)
b. Kasium carbonate, CaCO3 (Mr = 100)
c. Iron (III) oxide, Fe2O3 (Mr = 160)
d. Sucrose, C12H22O11 (Mr = 342)
e. Calcium hydroxide, Ca (OH) 2 (Mr = 74)

b. affective
Understanding the concept of communication:



Aspek yang dinilai

Description of the assessed aspects:
A. The ability convey information
B. The ability to give opinions / ideas
C. The ability to ask questions
D. Ability to argue to reject the opinion of friends
E. Ability to use standard language
F. eloquence
                        Assessment Method (Rubric)
1. Not good, if one good way of conveying information as well as give ideas etc.
2. Well, if either way of conveying information as well as give ideas etc is correct but it is less clear.
3. Very good, if a good way of conveying information as well as provide ideas and so on are correct and very clear
Value = Total Score: Score maximum x 100 Score maximum = 6
c. Psychomotor (Performance)
      answer question about mol
Aspek yang Dinilai
Total Skor

      No. Explanation of the aspects assessed
A.    Accuracy fill the table about.
B.     Skills to write the answers in class.
                        Value = Total Score: Score maximum x 100 Score maximum = 2

Criteria score (Rubric):
1.  (Score 3): Right, if the student answered completely and correctly.
2. (Score 2): Not quite right, if students with correct answers, but not write to complete.
3. (Score 1): Not Exactly, if the student's answer is incomplete and inaccurate to write an answer.

Total Assessment Sub material
Aspek yang Dinilai
Nilai Akhir

H. Learning Resources:

·         Books:
1.      1B Chemistry Book Grant The Publisher
2.      Chemistry Class X book Publisher Grasindo
·         Internet
·         Media Home
·         Teacher

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